Stepping Out of Self-Deception
By Rodney Smith
Foreword by Joseph Goldstein
By Rodney Smith
Foreword by Joseph Goldstein
By Rodney Smith
Foreword by Joseph Goldstein
By Rodney Smith
Foreword by Joseph Goldstein
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Jul 13, 2010 | ISBN 9781590307298
Jul 13, 2010 | ISBN 9780834822962
Jul 13, 2010 | ISBN 9781590307298
Jul 13, 2010 | ISBN 9780834822962
“Acute insights…Smith’s examination of a profound teaching is thought-provoking.”—Publishers Weekly
“Smith successfully approaches the Buddhist doctrine of anatta (no-self), which is a concept that is most difficult at the best of times.”—The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society
“Every so often a book appears that revitalizes our understanding of who we are and what our lives are about. Stepping Out of Self-Deception is such a book. A wonderfully fresh and beautifully written investigation of the path of awakening, it also challenges many of our assumptions along the way.”—Joseph Goldstein, author of One Dharma and Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom
“The Buddhist doctrine of anatta (no-self) seems quite counterintuitive to the Western mind: we may not be sure of much, but aren’t we sure we are here? Descartes says as much. Rodney Smith succeeds masterfully in laying bare the self/non-self doctrine and its many insidious misunderstandings that more often than not result in our using spiritual practice to reinforce the very pain we hoped it would liberate us from. He makes it clear that the Buddhist goal is not self-improvement or self-elimination but rather the radical recognition that we have never been isolated, we have always belonged. I am deeply moved by this intelligent, practical, and challenging look at the Buddhist path for our time and place.”—Zoketsu Norman Fischer, author of Sailing Home and Taking Our Places: The Buddhist Path to Truly Growing Up
“I found this book extremely clear and helpful. Rodney is able to explain concepts that are generally hard to comprehend, and make them readily accessible. His words are written from the heart, which is where this book resonates.”—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience
“Rodney Smith humanizes the Buddhist path. He probes ‘no-self ’ but in so doing reveals himself to be honest, humble, and wise. His writing makes this most elusive concept come alive.”—Mark Epstein, MD, author of Thoughts without a Thinker and Going to Pieces without Falling Apart
“Rodney Smith’s terrific new book will help us step out of the vicious cycle of self-deception and into the illumined realm of self-knowledge and spiritual realization. His deep, long term of Buddhist practice and liberating wisdom combined with a vocation of service work in the field of death and dying has perfectly equipped him to bring together here the best of East and West in elucidating how we ourselves can explore and penetrate the inner dynamics of identity and self, no-self, transpersonal being, and discover the complete being of our innate Buddhaness, the radiant Buddha-nature.”—Lama Surya Das, author of The Mind Is Mightier Than the Sword and Awakening the Buddha Within