Aug 22, 1995 | ISBN 9780805210491
Apr 20, 2011 | ISBN 9780307762016
Aug 22, 1995 | ISBN 9780805210491
Apr 20, 2011 | ISBN 9780307762016
“An amazing book—rich in scholarship, deep in historical perspetice, and enormously interesting to anyone concerned with questions of Jewish life.”
—Anne Roiphe
“An essential resource and entry point for understanding the construction of women’s roles in traditional Judaism.”
—Judith Plaskow, author of Standing Alone at Sinai
“With great precision and clarity, Biale ferrets out for us the inner meaning of the law, traces its development, and explores its relevance to Jewish women’s lives today.
—Blu Greenberg, author of On Women and Judaism
“[Biale] open[s] up the halakhic process to women, providing the reader who is unfamiliar with the original Hebrew texts with her first encounter of learning.”