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Animal Farm by George Orwell
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Animal Farm

Best Seller
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Hardcover $22.00
May 25, 1993 | ISBN 9780679420392


Animal Farm remains our great satire on the darker face of modern history.”
—Malcolm Bradbury

“As lucid as glass and quite as sharp…[Animal Farm] has the double meaning, the sharp edge, and the lucidity of Swift.”
Atlantic Monthly

“A wise, compassionate, and illuminating fable for our times.”
New York Times

“Orwell has worked out his theme with a simplicity, a wit, and a dryness that are close to La Fontaine and Gay, and has written in a prose so plain and spare, so admirably proportioned to his purpose, that Animal Farm even seems very creditable if we compare it with Voltaire and Swift.”
—Edmund Wilson, The New Yorker

“Orwell’s satire here is amply broad, cleverly conceived, and delightfully written.”
San Francisco Chronicle

“The book for everyone and Everyman, its brightness undimmed after fifty years.”
—Ruth Rendell

Author Essay

George Orwell called Animal Farm a fairy story, and it can be enjoyed simply as a tale about how animals try to take over a farm from men, and find they can’t manage it. Many children read it in this way, siding with the animals against the farmer, saddened that things go wrong because of the nasty pigs, and weeping at the fate of Boxer. Perhaps in another hundred years it will be read only in such a light, as the satirical, political and social intentions behinds Gulliver’s Travels are now forgotten. But the tale Orwell called his little squib was devised as a satire eon the Soviet Union, and although that country no longer exists the influence it exerted on our ways of living and thinking will be with us certainly into the twenty-first century, so that it is still important to understand the time and circumstances in which this fairy-story satire was written.

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