Friends, Lovers, Chocolate
By Alexander McCall Smith
By Alexander McCall Smith
By Alexander McCall Smith
By Alexander McCall Smith
Part of Isabel Dalhousie Series
Part of Isabel Dalhousie Series
Category: Mystery & Thriller | Women's Fiction
Category: Mystery & Thriller | Women's Fiction
Aug 29, 2006 | ISBN 9781400077106
Sep 20, 2005 | ISBN 9780375423925
Aug 29, 2006 | ISBN 9781400077106
Sep 20, 2005 | ISBN 9780375423925
“A completely absorbing, profound, funny, sad, and moving book that will captivate [and] enthrall.”–Detroit Free Press“Witty, ruminative and wise.” –The Times-Picayune “Enchanting. . . . Delicious mental comfort food. . . . The ‘intimate’ city of Edinburgh is an appealing character in its own right.”–Los Angeles Times“Isabel Dalhousie . . . who made such a smart impression in . . . The Sunday Philosophy Club, returns in Friends, Lovers, Chocolate to further advance the cause of brainy, inquisitive older women who just can’t resist an intellectual puzzle.”–The New York Times Book Review