Jun 12, 2018 | ISBN 9781632366474
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Praise for Yuri!!! On Ice
“Kubo-sensei has done an amazing job of making [Yuri!!! on Ice] accessible and real. It’s not some dramatized, fabulous version of the figure skating world… It’s a very real depiction of the world I come from. have never seen any other skating film or production that was as realistic as Yuri!!! On Ice.” – Johnny Weir, two-time Olympian, 2008 World bronze medalist, two-time Grand Prix Final bronze medalist
“Yuri!!! On Ice [is] a triumph of concise storytelling. The creators pack every moment with layered meanings… Yuri!!!masterfully blends emotion and competition into every episode.” – Buzzfeed
“I meant to watch just one episode, [but] I stayed up and watched them all, more and more charmed.” – The New York Times Magazine
“Mitsurou Kubo is a storytelling genius.” – Anime Underground