All That Is Solid Melts into Air
By Marshall Berman
By Marshall Berman
Category: Philosophy | European World History
Jun 07, 1988 | ISBN 9780140109627
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Table Of Contents
All That Is Solid Melts into AirPreface to the Penguin Edition: The Broad and Open Way
Introduction: Modernity – Yesterday, Today and TomorrowI. Goethe’s Faust: The Tragedy of Development
First Metamorphosis: The Dreamer
Second Metamorphosis: The Lover
Third Metamorphosis: The Developer
Epilogue: The Faustian and Pseudo-Faustian Age
II. All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: Marx, Modernism and Modernization
1. The Melting Vision and Its Dialectic
2. Innovative Self-Destruction
3. Nakedness: The Unaccommodated Man
4. The Metamorphosis of Values
5. The Loss of a Halo
Conclusion: Culture and the Contradictions of Capitalism
III. Baudelaire: Modernism in the Streets
1. Pastoral and Counter-Pastoral Modernism
2. The Heroism of Modern Life
3. The Family of Eyes
4. The Mire of the Macadam
5. The Twentieth Century: The Halo and the Highway
IV. Petersbur: The Modernism of Underdevelopment
1. The Real and Unreal City
“Geometry Has Appeared”: The City in the Swamps
Pushkin’s “Bronze Horseman”: The Clerk and the Tsar
Petersburg Under Nicholas I: Palace vs. Prospect
Gogol: The Real and Surreal Street
Words and Shoes: The Young Dostoevsky
2. The 1860s: The New Man in the Street
Chernyshevsky: The Street as Frontier
The Underground Man in the Street
Petersburg vs. Paris: Two Modes of Modernism in the Streets
The Political Prospect
Afterword: The Crystal Palce, Fact, and Symbol
3. The Twentieth Century: The City Rises, the City Fades
1905: More Light, More Shadows
Biely’s Petersburg: The Shadow Passport
Mandelstam: The Blessed Word with No Meaning
Conclusion: The Petersburg Prospect
V. In the Forest of Symbols: Some Notes on Modernism in New York
1. Robert Moses: The Expressway World
2. The 1960s: A Shout in the Street
3. The 1970s: Bringing It All Back Home