By Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
By Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
By Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
By Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
Category: Domestic Politics | World Politics
Category: Domestic Politics | World Politics
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9780143035596
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9781101010419
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9780143035596
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9781101010419
“This timely book brings together myriad loose strands of far left thinking with clarity, measured reasoning and humor.” —Publishers Weekly, starred
“Impressive… a rare and exciting work of synthesis.” —Booklist, starred review
“Brilliant.” —The Village Voice
“An inspiring marriage of realism and idealism.” —Naomi Klein, author of No Logo
Table Of Contents
Preface: Life in Common
1. War
1.1 Simplicissimus
The GLobla State of War
Biopower and Security
Legitimate Violence
Samuel Huntington, Geheimrat
1.2 Counterinsurgencies
Birth of the New War
Revolution in Military Affairs
The Mercenary and the Patriot
Asymmetry and Full-Spectrum Dominance
1.3 Resistance
The Primacy of Resistance
From the People’s Army to Guerrilla Warfare
Inventing Network Struggles
Swarm Intelligence
From Biopower to Biopolitical Production
2. Multitude
2.1 Dangerous Classes
The Becoming Common of Labor
The Twilight of the Peasant World
Two Italians in India
The Wealth of the Poor (or, We Are the Poors!)
Demonic Multitudes: Dostoyevsky Reads the Bible
Excursus 1: Method: In Marx’s Footsteps
Death of the Dismal Science?
2.2 De Corpore
Global Apartheid
A Trip to Davos
Big Government Is Back
Life on the Market
2.3 Traces of the Multitude
The Monstrosity of the Flesh
Invasion of the Monsters
Production of the Common
Beyond Private and Public
Carnival and Movement
Mobilization of the Common
Excursus 2: Organization: Multitude on the Left
3. Democracy
3.1 The Long March of Democracy
Crisis of Democracy in the Era of Armed Globalization
The Unfinished Democratic Project of Modernity
Debtors’ Rebellion
The Unrealized Democracy of Socialism
Revolt, Berlin
From Democratic Representation to GLobal Public Demands
White Overalls
3.2 Global Demands for Democracy
Caheirs de doléances
Convergence in Seattle
Experiments in Global Reform
Back to the Eighteenth Century!
Excursus 3: Strategy: Geopolitics and New Alliances
3.3 Democracy of the Multitude
Sovereignty and Democracy
May the Force Be with You
The New Science of Democracy: Madison and Lenin