By Janet Fletcher
By Janet Fletcher
By Janet Fletcher
By Janet Fletcher
Category: Cooking Methods | International Cuisine
Category: Cooking Methods | International Cuisine
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9781607747123
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9781607747130
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9781607747123
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9781607747130
“Janet Fletcher has written the book we yogurt-lovers have long been waiting for. Her recipes remind me of dishes I tasted in numerous Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern home kitchens where yogurt is an essential ingredient and where the best home cooks understand just how to use it. A beautiful book, authoritative and inspiring.”
–Paula Wolfert, author of The Food of Morocco
“Yogurt is so much more than a breakfast or snack. Janet seamlessly weaves it into a collection of beautiful, vibrant and healthful recipes that are sure to be a frequent reference for weeknight meals and parties with friends.”
–Sara Forte, author of The Sprouted Kitchen