Sons of Abraham
By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali
Foreword by President Bill Clinton
Introduction by Samuel G. Freedman
By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali
Foreword by President Bill Clinton
Introduction by Samuel G. Freedman
Category: Religion
Jun 16, 2015 | ISBN 9780807061190
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“Sons of Abraham represents the culmination of years of work by Rabbi Schneier, my partner at the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, Imam Ali, and myself to bring Muslims and Jews together all across the world. Few people thought that these orthodox religious leaders could be friends, and even fewer believed their work would succeed, but Sons of Abraham shows how their friendship has created a model for a worldwide Muslim-Jewish reconciliation.”
—Russell Simmons, Chairman of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and co-founder of Def Jam Records
“Through a robust discussion of the history and mindsets that define both Judaism and Islam, Imam Shamsi Ali and Rabbi Marc Schneier offer that the truest illustration of faith lies not in traditions or a myopic approach to piety, but rather in a deeply held belief in one God, a concern for human dignity, and a commitment to mutual respect. The authors—in their friendship and in their service—offer a rare example of cooperation and provide a beacon of hope as we pursue peace between peoples torn apart by millennia of misunderstanding and mistrust. Sons of Abraham is a work of political, social, and religious significance and a roadmap for how we should and can move forward.”
—Congressman André Carson
“In this book my friends Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali show us that Muslims and Jews are not enemies, but friends who are united by our belief in a monotheistic god and our lineage to our forefather Abraham. The Rabbi and Imam’s friendship is a reminder that peace and friendship are possible between our peoples.”
—S. Daniel Abraham, Chairman, Center for Middle East Peace
Table Of Contents
Foreword by President Bill Clinton
Introduction by Samuel G. Freedman
Chapter One
Child of the Soil
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Two
Child of a Dynasty
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Three
The Struggle Within
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Four
The Empathetic Imagination
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Five
From Suspicion to Trust
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Six
Growth and Evolution
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Seven
The Chosen People
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Eight
Kheir Ummah
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Nine
Amalek, the Dangers of Literalism,
and the Role of Oral Tradition
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Ten
War and Jihad
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Eleven
Love Thy Neighbor or Love the Stranger?
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Twelve
Understanding Shari’a
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Thirteen
What Israel Means to Jews 175
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Fourteen
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Fifteen
Why Jews Should Care about Islamophobia
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Sixteen
Imam Shamsi Ali
Chapter Seventeen
Standing Up against Holocaust Denial
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Chapter Eighteen
At Home in America
Imam Shamsi Ali