The Newman's Own Organics Guide to a Good Life
By Nell Newman and Joseph D’Agnese
By Nell Newman and Joseph D’Agnese
Category: Science & Technology | Health & Reference
Mar 11, 2003 | ISBN 9781588362698
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“Buy this book! My daughter wrote it and that’s good enough for me!”
"Nell Newman makes the message simple, clear and compelling: Knowledge and action add up to revolution. She gracefully conveys both the science and the soul of the issues, and offers practical solutions. Nell is living proof that social activism and environmental responsibility are integral to–not obstacles to–health and success; let her lead you on her candid, thoughtful, gently subversive path to better choices every day, and before you know it, you too are a passionate agent of change for a better world."
-Elaine Marie Lipson, author of The Organic Foods Sourcebook
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